Joseph Torsiello
- Program Year: 2
- Academic Institution: Temple University
- Field of Study: Nuclear and Particle Physics -Theory
- Academic Advisor: Martha Constantinou
- Practicum(s):
Argonne National Laboratory (2024) - Degree(s):
B.S. Applied Physics and Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2022
Summary of Research
My first research project was in Dr. Thomas's Applied Optics Laboratory at NJIT, where we conducted experiments on nano drones using a laser system and eventually created a numerical simulation of nano drone rotors, for the characterization and weight estimation of the nano drones from raw optical data. We also created a numerical simulation of an entomological photonic sensor coupled with a mosquito population for population density retrieval.I also worked in Dr. Dibakar Datta's Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation Group at NJIT, to study the interatomic friction between four different 2D material bilayers, including the well-known material graphene, as well as the effects of hydrogenation on nanoscale friction. We also investigated the effects of imperfections/dents on nanoscale friction in molybdenum disulfide by simulating an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip experiment. I received the 2020 Goldwater Scholarship for this work.
Starting my junior year at NJIT, I joined Dr. Kuzichev's Space Plasma Modeling Group at NJIT. We conducted a linear stability analysis of electron velocity distribution functions observed by the Wind Spacecraft, and modeled whistler wave-particle interactions of particles along magnetic field lines of the Earth.
During the summer of 2021, I interned virtually for Dr. Brunner's Ba-Tagging Group and the nEXO Collaboration at McGill University, through a Fulbright Canada Mitacs Globalink Internship, where I analyzed images of laser-ablated ion plumes using ImageJ software to characterize its features.
I am now part of Dr. Constantinou's Lattice QCD (LQCD) Group at Temple University, where we study the 3D tomography of the proton from LQCD. Such information is obtained through the generalized distribution functions (GPDs), complemented by the transverse-momentum dependent distributions; both are limitedly studied. We aim to advance knowledge on GPDs using numerical simulations of QCD, based on a novel approach to fully determine GPDs in the 3D parameter space.
A. Genoud, J. Torsiello, M. Belson, and B. Thomas, "Entomological photonic sensors: Estimating insect population density, its uncertainty and temporal resolution from transit data", Ecological Informatics, 2021, 61, 101186.J. Kashyap, J. Torsiello, Y. Kakehi, and D. Datta, "Engineering frictional characteristics of MoS2 structure by tuning thickness and morphology-An atomic, electronic structure, and exciton analysis", arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.09317, 2022. (Currently in review with the journal Nano Research)
I. Kuzichev, J Torsiello, A. Chavez, "Test Particle Simulations of Electron Dynamics in the Falling-Tone Chorus Wave Field". (Manuscript in preparation)
I. Kuzichev, I. Vasko, J. Torsiello, L. Wilson, and A. Artemyev, "Whistler Wave Instabilities Around Interplanetary Shocks". (Manuscript in preparation)
J. Torsiello, A. Genoud, M. Belson, and B. Thomas, "Weight estimation and characterization of flying commercial UAVs from lidar measurements". (Manuscript in preparation)
R. Palaguachi, N. Roselli, D. Singh, and J. Torsiello, "Frost spreading on micro-structured substrates: modeling and Monte-Carlo simulations". Spring 2022 NJIT Department of Mathematical Sciences Capstone Laboratory Presentations, May 2022, In-person. (https://cfsm.njit.edu/capstone/projects/2022c/main.php)
J. Torsiello, I. Kuzichev, I. Vasko, and L. Wilson, "Whistler Instabilities Around Interplanetary Shocks". NJIT Center for Solar Terrestrial (CSTR) High-school/Undergraduate Research Symposium, September 2021, Virtual.
J. Torsiello, C. Chambers, and T. Brunner, "Characterization of Ion Plumes in Laser Ablation Ion Sources". Canadian Astro-Particle Physics Summer Student Talk, August 2021, Virtual. (https://indi.to/tsLsT)
J. Torsiello, B. Thomas, A. Genoud, "Retrieving Mosquito Population Density from Entomological Optical Sensors". Honors Summer Research Institute, July 2020, Virtual. (https://issuu.com/njit/docs/adhc_student_brochure.issuu/s/11113616)
J. Torsiello, NJIT Honors Colloquium: Fellowships Colloquium with Dr Lorna Ronald, Dorman Scholars, NJIT Students and Alums, March 2022, In-person. (https://honors.njit.edu/content/albert-dorman-colloquium-series-spring-2022)
J. Torsiello, "Presentation on 2021 Fulbright-Canada Mitacs Globalink Fellowship". NJIT Honors Colloquium: Fellowships for International Experiences and Research, April 2021, Virtual. (https://honors.njit.edu/content/albert-dorman-colloquium-series-spring-2021)
J. Torsiello, I. Kuzichev, and I. Vasko, "Whistler Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Linear Analysis". APS Mid-Atlantic Section Virtual Meeting - APS-MAS 2020 Virtual Meeting, December 2020, Virtual. (https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAS20/Session/H01.11)
J. Torsiello, J. Kashyap, D. Datta, "Computational Modeling of Friction between Two-Dimensional Materials". 12th NJIT International Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium, August 2019, Poster. (https://centers.njit.edu/uri/sites/uri/files/2019%20Book%20of%20Abstracts%20-%20Final.pdf)
Future Faculty Assistantship (FFA), Temple University, 2022 (Research during summer; 4 years)Dr. Louis J. Lanzerotti and Dr. M. Yvonne De Wolf Lanzerotti Prize in Applied Physics, 2022
Fulbright-Canada Mitacs Globalink Fellowship, 2021
Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, 2020
Dorman Honors Scholar - full tuition and housing merit scholarship, NJIT, 2018-2022
NJIT Academic Excellence Scholar, NJIT, 2018-2022
Fenster, Dr. Saul, Scholarship, NJIT, 2020-2022
Stillman Scholarship, NJIT, 2019-2022
Thomas Maniscalco Physics Scholarship, NJIT, 2019-2020
Dean’s List, NJIT, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (every semester)