Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Coordinator: Britton Olson

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is a world-renowned research and development center. This mission of the Laboratory is to serve as a national resource of scientific, technical, and engineering capability with special focus on energy and resource security, nuclear nonproliferation and stockpile stewardship, biosciences, climate science, materials and advanced manufacturing, fusion science, and matter under extreme conditions. LLNL is located at the eastern edge of the San Francisco Bay Area, surrounded by vineyards, and has over 6,000 employees.

LLNL assembles teams of researchers from many scientific and engineering disciplines to work together on leading-edge research toward common programmatic and technological goals. Computational research areas at LLNL include Astronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Science, Biology, Chemistry, Energy Research, Engineering, Environmental Science, Fusion, Geology and Geophysics, Health, Lasers and Optics, Materials Science, Physics, Sensors and Instrumentation, and Space Science.

Livermore Computing maintains some of the world’s fastest supercomputers, which are deployed for open science as well as national security applications. Computing has been built into the DNA of the Laboratory ever since the first molecular dynamics simulation was run on LLNL machines. This proud tradition continues today through development of multiphysics simulation and visualization software, as well as through entities such as the High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation Program, which provides computing expertise to industry partners, and the Data Science Institute, which coordinates data science activities across the Laboratory. LLNL also hosts experimental facilities with close connections to simulation activities, such as the National Ignition Facility — the world’s largest laser and a leading center for high energy physics.

Research Areas

Below is a list of divisions, programs, and centers at LLNL with significant computational activities. Several of these have hosted past DOE CSGF practicums or currently employ DOE CSGF alumni.


Programs and Divisions: