Joy Kitson
- Program Year: 4
- Academic Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
- Field of Study: Computer Science
- Academic Advisor: Abhinav Bhatele
- Practicum(s):
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2022)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (2024) - Degree(s):
B.S. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Delaware, 2016 - Personal URL: https://joy-kitson.github.io
J. Kitson, I. Costello, J. Chen, D. Jiménez, S. Hoops, H. Mortveit, E. Meneses, J. Yeom, M. V. Marathe, and A. Bhatele (2024). "Strategies for Parallelizing an Agent-Based Model of Infectious Disease Spread," talk presented at the University of Maryland booth at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2024.J. Davis, P. Sivaraman, J. Kitson, K. Parasyris, H. Menon, I. Minn, G. Georgakoudis, and A. Bhatele (2024). "Evaluating Performance Portability of GPU Programming Models," talk presented at 20th Annual Workshop on Charm++ and its Applications, 2024.
J. Kitson, I. Costello, D. Jiménez, J. Chen, J. Choi, S. Hoops, E. Meneses, T. Kellner, H. Mortveit, J. Yeom, L. V. Kale, M. V. Marathe, A. Bhatele (2023). "Loimos: A Large-Scale Epidemic Simulation Framework for Realistic Social Contact Networks," talk presented at the University of Maryland booth at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Denver, CO, USA, 2023.
J. Kitson, I. Costello, D. Jimenez, J. Chen, J. Choi, S. Hoops, E. Meneses, T. Kellner, H. Mortveit, J. Yeom, L. V. Kale, M. V. Marathe, A. Bhatele (2022). "Loimos: A Large-Scale Epidemic Simulation Framework for Realistic Social Contact Networks," poster presented at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Dallas, TX, USA, 2022.
M. Ashfaq, D. Rastogi, J. Kitson, M. A. Abid, S. C. Kao (2022). "Evaluation of CMIP6 GCMs over the CONUS for downscaling studies," Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2022JD036659.
J. Kitson, I. Costello, D. Jimenez, J. Chen, J. Choi, S. Hoops, E. Meneses, T. Kellner, H. Mortveit, J. Yeom, L. V. Kale, M. V. Marathe, A. Bhatele (2022). "Loimos: A Large-Scale Epidemic Simulation Framework for Realistic Social Contact Networks," talk presented at 20th Annual Workshop on Charm++ and its Applications, 2022.
J. Kitson, S. Chunduri, A. Bhatele (2020). "Analyzing Interconnect Congestion on a Production Dragonfly-based System," poster presented at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2020.
D. Rorabaugh, M. Guevara, R. Llamas, J. Kitson, R. Vargas and M. Taufer, "SOMOSPIE: A Modular SOil MOisture SPatial Inference Engine Based on Data-Driven Decisions, n 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
S. Harrell, J. Kitson, et al., "Effective Performance Portability," in 2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC), Dallas, TX, USA, 2018.
S. Harrell, J. Kitson, "Effective Performance Portability," presented at 2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC), Dallas, TX, USA, 2018.
J. Kitson, "Plasma Meets Portability," presented at 2018 International Workshop on Women in HPC, Dallas, TX, USA, 2018.
Honorable Mention, Los Alamos National Laboratory Theoretical Division Graduate Research Assistant Lightning Talks, 2024Computer and Information Science Outstanding Sophomore Student Award, 2018
Dean's List, University of Delaware, Fall 2016 - Spring 2020
Honor's Program, University of Delaware, Fall 2016 - Spring 2020
National AP Scholar, 2015, 2016
Scholastic Achievement Award, United States Marine Corps, 2016
National Merit Scholarship Finalist, 2016