Boyan Xu
- Program Years: 2019-2023
- Academic Institution: University of California, Berkeley
- Field of Study: Computational Biology
- Academic Advisor: Ksenia Krasileva
- Practicum(s):
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2021)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2023) - Degree(s):
B.S. Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018
Current Status
- Research Area: Computational Biology
"Evaluating State Space Discovery by Persistent Cohomology in the Spatial Representation System", Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2021.616748"Twisty Takens: A Geometric Characterization of Good Observations on Dense Trajectories", Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41468-019-00036-9
"The Graph Laplacian and Morse Inequalities", Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2018
"Delay embeddings and topological time series analysis", Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS Contributed Paper Session on Networks and Data, January 2018
"Weil conjectures for elliptic curves", Classic Papers in Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Representation Theory, September 8, 2016
"Spaces of polynomials with specified root multiplicities", UIUC Algebraic Geometry Seminar, December 9, 2015
"A Morse-theoretic proof of the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem", Classic Papers in Alge- braic Geometry and Geometric Representation Theory, October 6, 2016
"Delay embeddings and topological time series analysis", Joint Mathematics Meetings, MAA Undergraduate Student Poster Sessions, 2018
"Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Morse theory", UIUC undergraduate research symposium, 2017