Marc Serre

  • Program Years: 1996-1999
  • Academic Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Field of Study: Environmental Sciences and Engineering
  • Academic Advisor: George Christakos
  • Practicum(s):
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1997)
  • Degree(s):
    Ph.D. Environmental Science and Engineering, UNC, Chapel Hill, 1999
    M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, 1992
    M.S. Hydraulics, E.N.S.E.E.I.H.T., Toulouse, France, 1990
    B.S./M.S. Physics Engineering, I.N.S.A., Toulouse, 1989

Current Status

  • Status: Associate Professor, University of North Carolina
  • Research Area: Environmental Stochastic Modeling and Mapping



1. Christakos, G., R. Olea, M.L. Serre, H-L YuD, and L. Wang (2005) Interdisciplinary Public Health Reasoning and Epidemic Modelling : The Case of Black Death In preparation, Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 320 p., ISBN: 978-3-540-25794-3.

2. Christakos, G., P. Bogaert, and M.L. Serre (2002) Temporal GIS: Advanced Functions for Field-Based Applications, Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 217 p., ISBN: 978-3-540-41476-6.

Refereed articles in scientific journals – Published (total of 44)

3. Doherty, I.A., M.L Serre, D. Gesink, A.A. Adimora, S.Q. Muth, P.A. Leone, W.C. Miller (2012) The utility of sexual network analysis to augment surveillance and control of sexually transmitted infections, Epidemiology, (Submitted 05-11-2011, Accepted 11-25-2011, In press)
4. AkitaD; Y., JC Chen; and M.L. Serre (2012) The moving-window Bayesian Maximum Entropy framework: Estimation of PM2.5 yearly average concentration across the contiguous United States. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (Submitted 08-16-2011, Accepted 05-23-2012, In press).
5. MessierM; K.P., Y. Akita; and M.L. Serre (2012) Integrating address geocoding, land use regression, and spatiotemporal geostatistical estimation for groundwater tetrachloroethylene, Environmental Science and Technology 46(5):2772-2780
6. Heaney; C.D., E. Sams; A.P. Dufour; K.P. Brenner; R.A. Haugland; E. Chern; S. Wing; S. Marshall; D.C. Love; M.L. Serre, R. Noble and T. Wade (2012) Fecal indicators in sand, sand contact, and risk of enteric illness among beachgoers, Epidemiology 23(1):95-106.
7. Sanders, A.P, K.P. MessierM, M. Shehee, K. Rudo, M.L. Serre, R.C. Fry (2012) Arsenic in North Carolina: Public Health Implications, Environment International, Vol. 38 pp. 10-16.

8. Wu, J.; A. van Geen; K.M. Ahmed; Y. AkitaD; J. Alam; P.J. Culligan; V. Escamilla; J. Feighery; A.S. Ferguson; P. Knappett; B.J. Mailloux; L.D. McKay, M.L. Serre, P. K. Streatfield, M. Yunus, M. Emch (2011) Increase in diarrheal disease associated with arsenic mitigation in bangladesh, PLoS ONE; 6(12)

9. HamptonM, K.H.; M.L. Serre; D.C. Gesink; C.D. Pilcher; W.C. Miller (2011), Adjusting for sampling variability in sparse data: Geostatistical approaches to disease mapping, International Journal of Health Geographics; 10()

10. MoneyD, E.S., D.K. Sackett, D.D. Aday, M.L. Serre (2011) Using River Distance and Existing Hydrography Data Can Improve the Geostatistical Estimation of Fish Tissue Mercury at Unsampled Locations, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es2003827

11. Doherty, I.A., A.A. Adimora, S.Q. Muth, M.L. Serre, P.A. Leone, W.C. Miller (2011) Comparison of Sexual Mixing Patterns for Syphilis in Endemic and Outbreak Settings, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Vol. 38(5), pp. 378-384

12. Sullivan, A.B., D.C.. Gesink, P. Brown, L. Zhou, J.S. Kaufman, M. Fitch, M.L. Serre, W.C. Miller (2011) Are Neighborhood Sociocultural Factors Influencing the Spatial Pattern of Gonorrhea in North Carolina? Annals of Epidemiology, Vol. 21(4), pp. 245-252. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2010.11.015

13. Van Geen, A., K.M. Ahmed, Y. AkitaD, M.J. Alam, P.J. Culligan, M. Emch, V. Escamilla, J. Feighery, A.S. Ferguson, P. Knappett, A. Layton, B. Mailloux, L.D. McKay, J.L. Mey, M.L Serre, P.K. Streatfield, J. Wu, Md. Yunus (2011) Fecal Contamination of Shallow Tubewells in Bangladesh Inversely Related to Arsenic, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 45(4), pp 1199–1205.

14. Knappett, P.S.K., A. Layton, L.D. McKay, D. Williams, B.J. Mailloux, M.R. Huq, M.J. Alam, K.M. Ahmed, Y. AkitaD, M.L. Serre, G.S. Sayler, A. van Geen (2010) Efficacy of Hollow-Fiber Ultrafiltration for Microbial Sampling in Groundwater, Ground Water, Vol. 49(1), pp. 53-65. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00712.x.

15. Wu, J.; M. Yunus; P. Streatfield; A. Van Geen; V. Escamilla; Y. Akita; M.L. Serre; M. Emch (2011) Impact of tubewell access and tubewell depth on childhood diarrhea in Matlab, Bangladesh, Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source;10(1)

16. Li, Y., J. MacDonald Gibson, P. Jat, G. Puggioni, M. Hasan, J. J. West, W. Vizuete, K. Sexton, M. Serre (2010) Burden of disease attributed to anthropogenic air pollution in the United Arab Emirates: Estimates based on observed air quality data, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 408(23), pp. 5784-5793. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.08.017.

17. HamptonM, K.H., M.K. Fitch, W.B. AllshouseD, I.A. Doherty, D.C. Gesink, P.A. Leone, M.L. Serre, W.C. Miller (2010) Mapping Health Data: Improved Privacy Protection with Donut Method Geomasking, American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 172(9), pp. 1062-1069. doi:10.1093/aje/kwq248

18. De NazelleD, A., S. Arunachalam, M.L. Serre† (2010) Bayesian Maximum Entropy Integration of Ozone Observations and Model Predictions: An Application for Attainment Demonstration in North Carolina, Environ. Sci. Technol. Vol. 44, pp. 5707–5713.

19. AllshouseD, W.B., M.K. Fitch, K.H. HamptonM, D.C. Gesink, I.A. Doherty, P.A. Leone, M.L. Serre†, W.C. Miller (2010) Geomasking sensitive health data and privacy protection: an evaluation using an E911 database, Geocarto International, Vol. 25(6), pp. 443–452. doi:10.1080/10106049.2010.496496

20. AllshouseD, W.B., J.D. Pleil, S.M. Rappaport, M.L. Serre† (2009) Mass Fraction Spatiotemporal Geostatistics and its Application to Map Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons after 9/11, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. Vol. 23, pp. 1213–1223, doi:10.1007/s00477-009-0326-y

21. LeeD, S.J, K. Yeatts, M.L. Serre† (2009) Mapping childhood asthma prevalence across North Carolina using data collected at different spatial observation scales, Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology , Vol. 1, pp 49-60.

22. Coulliette, A.D., E. MoneyD, M.L. Serre, R.T. Noble (2009) Space/Time Analyses of Fecal Pollution and Rainfall in an Eastern North Carolina Estuary, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 43(10) pp. 3728-3735.

23. MoneyD, E., G. Carter, M.L. Serre† (2009) Modern Space/Time Geostatistics using River Distances: Data Integration of Turbidity and E.coli Measurements to Assess Fecal Contamination Along the Raritan River in New Jersey, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 43(10), pp. 3736-3742.

24. MoneyD, E., G. Carter, M.L. Serre† (2009) Using River Distances in the Space/Time Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen along Two Impaired River Networks in New Jersey, Water Research, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 1948-1958, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.01.034.

25. AkitaM, Y., G. Carter, and M.L. Serre† (2007) Spatiotemporal Non-Attainment Assessment of Surface Water Tetrachloroethene in New Jersey, Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 508-520.

26. PuangthongthubD, S., S. Wangwongwatana, R.M. Kamens, M.L. Serre† (2007) Modeling the Space/Time Distribution of Particulate Matter in Thailand and Optimizing Its Monitoring Network, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 41, pp. 7788-7805, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.06.051.

27. LoBuglio, J. N., G. W. Characklis, and M. L Serre (2007) Cost-effective water quality assessment through the integration of monitoring data and modeling results, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 43, No. W03435, pp. 1-16, doi:10.1029/2006WR005020.

28. WilsonD, S.M., M.L. Serre (2007) Use Of Passive Samplers To Measure Atmospheric Ammonia Levels In A High-Density Industrial Hog Farm Area Of Eastern North Carolina, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 41, No. 28, pp. 6074-6086, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.03.004.

29. WilsonD, S.M., M.L. Serre (2007) Examination of Atmospheric Ammonia Levels near Hog CAFOs, Homes, and Schools in Eastern North Carolina. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 41, No. 23, pp. 4977-4987. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.12.055.

30. LawD, D.C.G., K. Bernstein, M.L. Serre, C.M. Schumacher, P.A. Leone, J.M. Zenilman, W.C. Miller, and A.M. Rompalo (2006) Modeling an Early Syphilis Outbreak through Space and Time Using the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Approach. Annals of Epidemiology, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 797-804.

31. Savelieva, E., V. Demyanov, M. Kanevski, M.L. Serre, and G. Christakos (2005) BME-Based Uncertainty Assessment of the Chernobyl Fallout, Geoderma, Vol. 128, pp. 312-324. (Awarded best paper in Pedometrics for 2005).

32. Christakos, G., A. Kolovos, M.L. Serre, and F. Vukovich (2004) Total Ozone Mapping by Integrating Data Bases from Remote Sensing Instruments and Empirical Models, IEEE Trans. on Geosc. and Rem. Sensing, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 991-1008.

33. Douaik, A., M. Van Meirvenne, T. Tóth, and M.L. Serre (2004) Space-Time Mapping of Soil Salinity Using Probabilistic Bayesian Maximum Entropy, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 18, pp. 219-227.

34. Kolovos, A., G. Christakos, D.T. Hristopulos, and M.L. Serre (2004) Methods for Generating Non-separable Spatiotemporal Covariance Models With Potential Environmental Applications, Advances in Water Resources 27 (2004) 815–830.


2005 Newton Underwood Award for Excellence in Teaching, Depart. Of Env. Sc. & Eng., University of North Carolina