Miriam Kreher
- Program Years: 2017-2021
- Academic Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Field of Study: Nuclear Engineering
- Academic Advisor: Benoit Forget
- Practicum(s):
Los Alamos National Laboratory (2018)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (2020) - Degree(s):
PhD Computational Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023
B.S. Engineering Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2016
Current Status
- Status: Metropolis Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Research Area: Nuclear Engineering
M.Kreher, S.Shaner, B.Forget, K.Smith "Frequency Transform Method for Transient Analysis of Nuclear Reactors" Nuclear Science and Engineering (2022)doi.org/10.1080/00295639.2022.2067739
M.Kreher, K.Smith, B.Forget, "Direct Comparison of High-Order/Low-Order Transient Methods on the 2D-LRA Benchmark", Nuclear Science and Engineering, 196(4):409-432 (2021) doi.org/10.1080/00295639.2021.1980363
M. Kreher, B. Forget, "Thermal Feedback Coupling in a Transient Monte Carlo High-Order/Low-Order Scheme" PHYSOR, May 15-20 Pittsburgh PA (2022)
M.Kreher, S.Shaner, B.Forget, K.Smith, "Frequency Transform Method for Transient Analysis of Nuclear Reactors" Best Paper in student contest, Mathematics & Computation, October 3-7 virtual meeting (2021)
M.Kreher, J.Galloway, B.Wilkerson, J.Richard, "Flexible Cross Section Generation in OpenMC with TOGA (Tool for Optimization and Group-structure Analysis)" ANS Annual, virtual meeting (2021)
M.Kreher, S.Shaner, B.Forget, K.Smith, "Frequency Transform Method for Transient Analysis of Nuclear Reactors" Best Paper in track, ANS Student Conf. (2021)
M.Kreher, B.Forget, K.Smith, "Single-Batch Monte Carlo Multiphysics Coupling" ANS Math. & Comp. Portland OR (2019)
M.Kreher, T.Trahan, "Advancing Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Algorithms with Explicit Delayed Neutron Precursors" ANS Student Conf. (2019)
M.Rathbun, R.Bahran, J.Hutchinson, T.Cutler, "Design of an Intermediate Energy Critical Experiment to Validate Nuclear Data and Computational Methods in the Unresolved Resonance Region" PHYSOR, Cancun Mexico (2018)
M.Rathbun, D.Griesheimer, "Effect of Delayed Energy Release on Power Normalization in Reactor Depletion Calculations" ANS Annual, San Francisco CA (2017)
Metropolis Postdoctoral Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2023)-Best student paper, ANS PHYSOR: M. Kreher, B. Forget, "Thermal Feedback Coupling in a High-Order/Low-Order Monte Carlo Scheme" Pittsburgh, PA, 2022
-Best student paper, ANS Mathematics & Computation: M.Kreher, S.Shaner, B.Forget, K.Smith, "Frequency Transform Method for Transient Analysis of Nuclear Reactors" virtual meeting, 2021
-MIT Nuclear Science & Engineering Department award for outstanding leadership, 2019, 2020
-Best poster, ANS winter meeting, "Design of an Intermediate Energy Critical Experiment to Validate Nuclear Data and Computational Methods in the Unresolved Resonance Region," Washington DC, 2017
-ANS Commendation for Leadership and Service, 2016
-George Washington Prize for most outstanding senior, University of Pittsburgh and Engineers' Society of Western PA, 2016
-Second place undergraduate winner, ANS Winter Meeting poster session, Washington DC, 2015: M.Rathbun and B.Forget "Uncertainty quantification in BEAVRS project"
-Selected participant of Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation, Washington DC, 2014
-ANS Alan F. Henry/Paul A. Greebler Graduate Scholarship (Reactor Physics Division), 2020
-ANS Pittsburgh Local Section Graduate Scholarship, 2019, 2021
-DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, accepted, 2017-2021
-National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, awarded (declined), 2017
-Rickover Fellowship, awarded (declined), 2017
-DOE Nuclear Energy University Programs Graduate Fellowship, awarded (declined), 2017
-MIT Presidential Fellowship, awarded (declined), 2017
-DOE Nuclear Energy University Programs scholarship, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
-Nuclear Regulatory Commission scholarship, 2014-2016
-Undergraduate ANS scholarships, 2013-2016