Laura Swiler
- Program Years: 1992-1994
- Academic Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
- Field of Study: Engineering and Public Policy
- Academic Advisor: Paul Fischbeck
- Practicum(s):
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (1993) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 1994
M.S. Operations Research, Stanford University, 1989
B.S. Applied Mathematics, Yale University, 1987
Current Status
- Status: Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification, Sandia Labs
- Research Area: Uncertainty analysis, computational statistics, model calibration
"Bayesian calibration of the Community Land Model using surrogates." J. Ray, Z. Hou, M. Huang, K. Sargsyan and L. Swiler, SIAM Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 3(1):199-233, 2015; doi:10.1137/140957998 ."Spectral neighbor analysis method for automated generation of quantum-accurate interatomic potentials." A. P. Thompson, L.P. Swiler, C.R. Trott, S.M Foiles, G. Tucker. Journal of Computational Physics. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 285 (2015) pp. 316–330. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2014.12.018
“Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of fission gas behavior calculations for engineering-scale fuel modeling.†G. Pastore, L.P. Swiler, J.D. Hales, S.R. Novascone, D.M. Perez, B.W. Spencer, L. Luzzi, P. Van Uelen, R.L. Williamson. Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 456, 2105, pp. 398-408.
“Surrogate Models for Mixed Discrete-Continuous Variables.†L. P. Swiler, P. D. Hough, P. Qian, Xu Xu, C. Storlie, H. Lee, in Constraint Programming and Decision Making. Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Volume 539, 2014, pp. 181-202. Springer.
“Gaussian Process Adaptive Importance Sampling.†K. Dalbey and L. P. Swiler. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 4(2). 2014. pp. 133-149. DOI: 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2013006330.
“Bridging the gap between HRA research and HRA practice: A Bayesian Network version of SPAR-H.†K. Groth and L. P. Swiler. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 115, July 2013, pp. 33-42.
“Analysis of Computationally Demanding Models with Continuous and Categorical Inputs.†Storlie, C.B., Reich, B.J., Helton, J.C., Swiler, L.P., and C. J. Sallaberry. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 113. May 2013. pp. 30-41.
“Sensitivity Analysis Techniques Applied to a System of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.†V.G. Weirs, J.R. Kamm, L.P. Swiler, M. Ratto, S.Tarantola, B.M. Adams, W.J. Rider, and M.S. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 107, November 2012, pp.157-170.
“An Overview of Inverse Material Identification within the Frameworks of Deterministic and Stochastic Parameter Estimation.†M. Aguiló, L.P. Swiler, and A. Urbina. International Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 289-319, 2103.
Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty (Wiley Series in Computational Statistics, edited by L. Biegler et al.) 2011. Chapter 6, by McFarland, J. and L. Swiler. “Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis for Computer Simulations with Multivariate Output.â€
“Mixed Aleatory-Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification with Stochastic Expansions and Optimization-Based Interval Estimation.†M.S. Eldred, L.P. Swiler, and G.Tang. Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS). Vol. 96, No. 9, Sept. 2011, pp. 1092-1113.
"Implementation and Evaluation of Nonparametric Regression Procedures for Sensitivity Analysis of Computationally Demanding Models." C.B. Storlie, L.P. Swiler, J.C. Helton, and C.J. Sallaberry. Reliability Engineering and System Safety Vol. 94, pp. 1735–1763, 2009.
"Efficient Global Reliability Analysis for Nonlinear Implicit Performance Functions." B. Bichon, M. Eldred, L. Swiler, S. Mahadevan, and J. McFarland. AIAA Journal 2008, Vol. 46 no.10 (2459-2468).
"Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis for Computer Simulations with Multivariate Output," J. McFarland; S. Mahadevan; V. Romero; L. Swiler. AIAA Journal 2008, Vol.46 no.5 (1253-1265).
"Thermal challenge problem: Summary", R. Hills, K. Dowding, L. Swiler. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 197, Issues 29-32, May 2008, pp. 2490-2495.
"Confidence Region Estimation Techniques for Nonlinear Regression: Three Case Studies." K. W. Vugrin, L. P. Swiler, R. M. Roberts, N. Stuckey-Mack, and S.P. Sullivan. Water Resources Research, Vol. 43, W03423, 2007.
"Gaussian Processes in Trust-Region Optimization Methods." Laura P. Swiler and Patricia D. Hough. SIAM CS&E Conference, Costa Mesa CA, Feb. 2007.
"The promise and peril of uncertainty quantification using response surface approximations." A. A. Giunta, J. M. McFarland, L. P. Swiler, and M. S. Eldred. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4, Sept.-Dec. 2006, pp. 175-189.
"Calibration, Validation, and Sensitivity Analysis: What’s What." T.G. Trucano, L.P. Swiler, T. Igusa, W.L. Oberkampf, M. Pilch. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 91, pp. 1331-1357, 2006.
"Progressive Response Surfaces." V.J. Romero, T. Krishnamurthy, and L.P. Swiler, in ASCE 9th Joint Speciality Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability Proceedings, PMC 2004.
"A User’s Guide to Sandia’s Latin Hypercube Sampling Software: LHS UNIX Library/Standalone Version." L.P. Swiler and G.D. Wyss. SAND 2004-2439.
"Construction of Response Surfaces based on Progressive-Lattice-Sampling Experimental Designs, with Application to Reliability Problems." V.J. Romero, L.P. Swiler, and A. A. Guinta. Journal of Structural Safety. Vol. 26, pp. 201-219, 2004.
"Computer-Attack Graph Generation Tool." L. P. Swiler, C. Phillips, D. Ellis, and S. Chakerian. DISCEXII Proceedings, DARPA's Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, June 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press.
"The ABC's of Risk Assessment," L. Painton Swiler and Karen Jenni. Society of Women Engineers Magazine, March-April 2000.
"Genetic Algorithms in the Optimization of System Reliability" L. Painton and J. Campbell. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Special Issue on Design. June 1995, Vol. 44, No. 2: 172-178.
"Combinatorial Optimization of Engineering Synthesis Design and Reliability Models under Uncertainty." L. A. Painton. Carnegie Mellon Ph.D. Dissertation, 1995.
"Stochastic Annealing for Synthesis under Uncertainty," L. Painton and U. Diwekar. European Journal of Operational Research, May 1995, Vol. 83: 489-502.