Omar Hafez
- Program Years: 2011-2015
- Academic Institution: University of California, Davis
- Field of Study: Computational Solid Mechanics
- Academic Advisor: Mark Rashid
- Practicum(s):
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2013)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2014) - Degree(s):
M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of California, Davis, 2012
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2010
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2009
Current Status
- Research Area: Computational Solid Mechanics
- Personal URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/omarhafez34
Gurev V., Korte, J, Hafez O, Fattebert JL, Richards D, Rice J. Papillary muscles contraction does not change ventricular wall mechanics. Computing in Cardiology, 2015.Hafez O. Toward automating patient-specific stress analysis from medical imaging. Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Annual Conference, 2015.
Gurev V, Korte J, Hafez O, Fattebert JL, Richards D, Rice J. High-resolution model of failing heart for strain prediction in echocardiography. BMES Frontiers in Medical Devices, 2014.
Hafez O, Rashid MM. Automating the image-to-analysis pipeline in biomechanics. Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Annual Conference, 2014.
Hafez O, Vignes R, Stolken J. Laser-induced plate buckling: thermal softening vs. thermal gradients. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Computational Engineering Division Seminar Series, 2013.
Hafez O. Numerical simulation of nonlinear thermoelastic problems. Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Annual Conference, 2012.
Hafez O, White E, Bolander J. Effects of heat of hydration on early-age cracking of structural concrete. Engineering Mechanics Institute, 2010.
Graduate:DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, 2011-present
Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, UC Davis, 2009-2011
Towards Outstanding Post-Graduate Students (TOPS) Award, Dept. of Civil Engineering, UC Davis, 2009-2010
M.S. Ghausi Medal, College of Engineering, UC Davis, 2009
Cal Aggie Alumni Association (CAAA) Outstanding Senior Award, 2009
Citation Award, Dept. of Civil Engineering, UC Davis, 2009
SEAOCC Scholarship, 2008
Walter D. Buehler Scholarship, 2008
Phi Kappa Phi Ronald Mertens Sophomore Award, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 2006
Beeghly-Merritt Memorial Scholarship, 2005
UC Regents Scholarship, UC Davis, 2005-2009
Dean's Honor List, College of Engineering, UC Davis, each quarter 2005-2009