Mark Berrill
- Program Years: 2006-2010
- Academic Institution: Colorado State University
- Field of Study: Engineering
- Academic Advisor: Jorge Rocca
- Practicum(s):
Los Alamos National Laboratory (2007) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, 2010
M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, 2006
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, 2003
Current Status
- Research Area: Computational Engineering & Energy Sciences
1) Bobby Philip, Mark A. Berrill, Srikanth Allu, Steven P. Hamilton, Rahul S. Sampath, Kevin T. Clarno, Gary A. Dilts, “A parallel multi-domain solution methodology applied to nonlinear thermal transport problems in nuclear fuel pins”, Journal of Computational Physics 286, 143–171, (2015).2) Y. Wang, S. Wang, E. Oliva, L. Li, M. Berrill, L. Yin, J. Nejdl, B. M. Luther, C. Proux, T. T. T. Le, J. Dunn, D. Ros, Ph. Zeitoun, J. J. Rocca, "Gain dynamics in a soft-X-ray laser amplifier perturbed by a strong injected X-ray field", Nature Photonics 8, 381–384, 2014.
3) B. Philip, Z. Wang, M. Berrill, M. Rodriguez Rodriguez, M. Pernice, “Dynamic Implicit 3D Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Non-Equilibrium Radiation Diffusion”, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 262, pp 17–37, 2014
4) Brendan A. Reagan, Mark Berrill, Keith A. Wernsing, Cory Baumgarten, Mark Woolston, Jorge J. Rocca, "High-average-power, 100-Hz-repetition-rate, tabletop soft-x-ray lasers at sub-15-nm wavelengths", Physical Review A 89, 053820, 2014.
5) Aaron M Phillippe, James E Banfield, Kevin T Clarno, Larry J Ott, Bobby Philip, Mark A Berrill, Rahul S Sampath, Srikanth Allu, Steven P Hamilton, “Validation Study of Pin Heat Transfer for UO2 Fuel Based on the IFA-432 Experiments”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 177, Issue 3, 275-290, 2014.
6) A. Phillippe, K. Clarno, J. Banfield, L. Ott, B. Philip, M. Berrill, R. Sampath, S. Allu, S. Hamilton, “A Validation Study of Pin Heat Transfer for MOX Fuel Based on the IFA-597 Experiments”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Submitted November 2012.
7) Rodriguez Rodriguez, Manuel, Philip, Bobby, Wang, Zhen, Berrill, Mark A., "Block-Relaxation Methods for 3D Constant-Coefficient Stencils on GPUs and Multicore CPUs", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, submitted, 2012.
8) Urbanski, Lukasz, Marconi, Mario, Meng, L. M., Berrill, Mark A., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, Annie, Rocca, Jorge, "Spectral linewidth of a Ne-like Ar capillary discharge soft x-ray laser and its dependence on amplification beyond gain-saturation", Physical Review A, 033837, 2012.
9) Kevin T. Clarno, Bobby Philip, William K. Cochran, Rahul S. Sampath, Srikanth Allu, Pallab Barai, Srdjan Simunovic, Mark A. Berrill, Larry J. Ott, Sreekanth Pannala, Gary A. Dilts, Bogdan Mihaila, Cetin Unal, Gokhan Yesilyurt, Jung Ho Lee, James E. Banfield, “The AMP (Advanced MultiPhysics) Nuclear Fuel Performance Code”, Nuclear Engineering Design, Vol 252, pp. 108-120, 2012.
10) D. Alessi, Y. Wang, B. M. Luther, L. Yin, D. H. Martz, M. R. Woolston, Y. Liu, M. Berrill, and J. J. Rocca, “Efficient Excitation of Gain-Saturated Sub-9-nm-Wavelength Tabletop Soft-X-Ray Lasers and Lasing Down to 7.36 nm”, Physical Review X, 1, 021023 (2011).
11) M. Berrill, D. Alessi, Y. Wang, S.R. Domingue, D.H. Martz, B.M. Luther, Y.W. Liu, J.J. Rocca, “Improved beam characteristics of solid-target soft x-ray laser amplifiers by injection seeding with high harmonic pulses,” Optics Letters, 35, 2317, (2010).
12) Y. Wang, M. Berrill, F. Pedaci, M.M. Shakya, S. Gilbertson, Zenghu Chang , E. Granados, B.M. Luther, M. A. Larotonda, J.J. Rocca, “Measurement of 1 Picosecond Soft X-Ray Laser Pulses from an Injection-Seeded Plasma Amplifier,” Physical Review A, 79, 023810, (2009).
13) M. Berrill, F. Brizuela, B. Langdon, H. Bravo, C.S. Menoni, and J.J. Rocca, “Warm Photoionized Plasmas Created by Soft X-Ray Laser Irradiation of Solid Targets,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 25, B32, (2008). (This article has been selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 2008.)
14) F. Pedaci, Y. Wang, M. Berrill, B. Luther, E. Granados, and J.J. Rocca, “Highly coherent injection-seeded 13.2 nm table-top soft x-ray laser,” Optics Letters 33, 491, (2008). (This article has been selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 2008.)
15) Y. Wang, E. Granados, F. Pedaci, D. Alessi, B. Luther, M. Berrill, and J.J. Rocca, “Phase coherent, injection seeded table-top soft x-ray lasers at 18.9 and 13.9,” Nature Photonics, 2, p. 94, (2008)
16) M. Berrill, Y. Wang, M.A. Larotonda, B.M. Luther, V.N. Shlyaptsev, and J.J. Rocca, “Pump pulsewidth of grazing incidence pumped transient collisional soft x-ray lasers,” Physical Review A 75, 063821 (2007).
17) B.A. Reagan, T. Popmintchev, M.E. Grisham, D.M. Gaudiosi, M. Berrill, O. Cohen, B.C. Walker, M.M. Murnane, J.J. Rocca, and H.C. Kapteyn, “Enhanced High Harmonic Generation from Xe, Kr, and Ar in a Capillary Discharge,” Physical Review A, 76, 013816, (2007).
18) Y. Wang, E. Granados, M.A. Larotonda, M. Berrill, B.M. Luther, D. Patel, C.S. Menoni, and J.J. Rocca, “High Brightness Injection-Seeded Soft-X-Ray-Laser Amplifier Using a Solid Target,” Physical Review Letters 97, 123901, (2006).
19) D.M. Gaudiosi, B. Reagan, T. Popmintchev, M. Grisham, M. Berrill, O. Cohen, B.C. Walker, M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn, and J.J. Rocca, “High-Order Harmonic Generation from Ions in a Capillary Discharge,” Physical Review Letters 96, 203001, (2006).
20) M.A. Larotonda, Y. Wang, M. Berrill, B.M. Luther, J.J. Rocca, M.M. Shakya, S. Gilbertson, and Z. Chang, “Pulse duration measurements of grazing incidence pumped high repetition rate Ni-like Ag and Cd transient soft x-ray lasers,” Optics Letters 31, 3043, (2006).
21) B. M. Luther, Y. Wang, M. A. Larotonda, D. Alessi, M. Berrill, J. J. Rocca, J. Dunn, R. Keenan, V. N. Shlyaptsev, “High repetition rate collisional soft x-ray lasers based on grazing incidence pumping”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 42, 4, 2006.
22) Y. Wang, M. A. Larotonda, B. M. Luther, D. Alessi, M. Berrill, V. N. Shlyaptsev, and J. J. Rocca, “Demonstration of high-repetition-rate tabletop soft-x-ray lasers with saturated output at wavelengths down to 13.9 nm and gain down to 10.9 nm”, Physical Review A, 72, 053807, 2005.
23) J. J. Rocca, Y. Wang, M. A. Larotonda, B. M. Luther, M. Berrill, and D. Alessi, V. N. Shlyaptsev, "Saturated 13.2 nm high-repitition-rate laser in nickellike cadmium", Optics Letters, Vol. 30, Issue 19, pp. 2581-2583, October 1, 2005.
24) Y. Wang, B. M. Luther, M. Berrill, M. Marconi, F. Brizuela, J. J. Rocca, and V. N. Shlyaptsev, “Capillary discharge-driven metal vapor plasma waveguides”, Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 72, 026413, 2005.
25) B. M. Luther, Y. Wang, M.Berrill, D. Alessi, M. C. Marconi, M. A. Larotonda, and J. J. Rocca, "Highly ionized Ar plasma waveguides generated by a fast capillary discharge", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 33, Issue 2, pp. 582-583, April 2005.
26) Y. Wang, B. M. Luther, F. Pedaci, M. Berrill, F. Brizuela, M. Marconi, M. A. Larotonda, V. N. Shlyaptsev, J. J. Rocca, "Dense Capillary Discharge Plasma Waveguide Containing Ag Ions", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 33, Issue 2, pp. 584-585, April 2005.
27) D. Alessi, B. M. Luther, Y. Wang, M. A. Larotonda, M. Berrill, and J. J. Rocca, “High repetition rate operation of saturated tabletop soft x-ray lasers in transitions of neon-like ions near 30 nm”, Opt. Express, Vol. 13, pp. 2093-2098, 2005.
28) M. A. Larotonda, B. M. Luther, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, D. Alessi, M. Berrill, A. Dummer, F. Brizuela, C. S. Menoni, M. C. Marconi, V. N. Shlyaptsev, J. Dunn, J. J. Rocca, “Characteristics of a Saturated 18.9 nm Tabletop Laser Operating at 5-Hz Repetition Rate”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp. 1363-1367, 2004
29) B. M. Luther, Y. Wang, M. A. Larotonda, D. Alessi, M. Berrill, M. C. Marconi, J. J. Rocca, V. N. Shlyaptsev, "Saturated high-repetition-rate 18.9 nm table-top laser in nickellike molybdenum", Optics Letters, Vol. 30, pp. 165-167, January 15, 2005.
Wigner Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2010-2012CSGF Fellowship 2006-2010
SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering in August 2005.
Honorable Mention for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship in March 2004.
Graduated Cum Laude with BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSU, May 2003.
Highest Honors at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, CSU, May 2003.
Engineering Days Award for top project, CSU, May 2003.
Dean's List, CSU, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Claude W. Wood Scholarship (a four year merit based undergraduate scholarship), CSU, 1999-2003.
Harold and Sylvia Joy Scholarship (a merit based scholarship), CSU, 2002.
ECE Merit Scholarship, CSU, 1999.