Experimental Proposal for Meson Scattering on Trapped-Ion Simulators

Elizabeth Bennewitz, University of Maryland, College Park

Photo of Elizabeth Bennewitz

Obtaining real-time dynamics of particle collisions is a long-standing goal in high energy and nuclear physics. Developing protocols to simulate lattice gauge theories on quantum simulators offer a strategy to probe these scattering processes. Both long-range and short-range quantum Ising chains exhibit the confinement of quasiparticles, analogous to the high-energy confinement of quarks in bound, meson states. In this talk, we will discuss a proposal to simulate meson scattering in a trapped-ion simulator. We will begin by discussing experimentally realizable state preparation protocols and then end with an analysis of possible elastic and inelastic scattering channels.

Abstract Author(s): Elizabeth Bennewitz, Brayden Ware, Alessio Lerose, Federica Surace, Alexander Schuckert, Or Katz, Seth Whitsitt, Kate Collins, Will Morong, Alexey Gorshkov, Zohreh Davoudi