Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate fellows are part of an innovative group learning to solve problems outside traditional boundaries. An annual program review makes it possible for these leaders to get together, share ideas, support one another and discover the research opportunities at Department of Energy laboratories.
2009 highlights included:
- High Performance Computing (HPC) Workshop, Monday, July 13
This inaugural, one-day workshop provided a broad introduction to HPC for scientific and engineering research. Its major goal was to kick-start HPC learning process by helping participants understand why they should utilize HPC and how it will benefit their research. - Human Resources at the DOE Lab Poster Session
This session provided an opportunity to learn more about full-time career opportunities and network with Human Resource contacts from the labs. - DOE CSGF Fellows' Poster Contest
For the first time, prizes were awarded to the top research posters presented by DOE CSGF students.