Samantha Lawrence
- Program Years: 2012-2015
- Academic Institution: Purdue University
- Field of Study: Materials Science and Engineering
- Academic Advisor: David Bahr
- Practicum(s):
Sandia National Laboratories, California (2013)
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (2014) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Materials Engineering, Purdue University, 2015
B.S. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2010
Current Status
- Status: R&D Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Research Area: Metallurgy
S.K. Lawrence: Assessing Coupled Mechanical Behavior and Environmental Degradation at Submicron Scales. PhD Thesis, Purdue University. (2015)Peer Reviewed Journals:
S.K. Lawrence, B.P. Somerday, R.A. Karnesky: Elastic Property Dependence on Mobile and Trapped Hydrogen in Ni-201. JOM. vol. 69 pp. 45-50 (2017) DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1062-4
S.K. Lawrence, D.P. Adams, D.F. Bahr, and N.R. Moody: Environmental Resistance of Oxide Tags Fabricated on Stainless Steel 304L via Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation. Surf. Coat. Tech. Vol. 285 pp. 87-97 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.11.021
S.K. Lawrence, B.P. Somerday, N.R. Moody, D.F. Bahr: Grain Boundary Contributions to Hydrogen-affected Plasticity in Ni-201. JOM. vol. 66 pp. 1383-1390 (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1062-4
B. Saha, S.K. Lawrence, J.L. Schroeder, J. Birch, D.F. Bahr, and T.D. Sands: Enhanced Hardness in Epitaxial TiAlScN Alloy Thin Films and Rocksalt TiN/(Al,Sc)N Superlattices. Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 105 pp. 151904-1-5 (2014) DOI:10.1063/1.4898067
S.K. Lawrence, D.F. Bahr, H.M. Zbib, M.J. Cordill, and S. Wurster: Statistical quantification of the impact of surface preparation on yield point phenomena in Ni. Metall. Mater. Trans. A vol. 45 pp. 4307-4315 (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2382-2
S.K. Lawrence, D.P. Adams, D.F. Bahr, and N.R. Moody: Mechanical and Electromechanical Behavior of Oxide Coatings Grown on Stainless Steel 304L by Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation. Surf. Coat. Tech. vol. 235 pp. 860-866 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.09.013
S.K. Lawrence, D.P. Adams, D.F. Bahr, and N.R. Moody: Deformation and fracture of a mudflat-cracked laser-fabricated oxide on Ti. J. Mater. Sci. vol. 48 pp. 4050-4058 (2013) DOI: 10.1007/s10853-013-7217-9
I. Salehinia, S.K. Lawrence, and D.F. Bahr: The Effect of Crystal Orientation on the Stochastic Behavior of Dislocation Nucleation and Multiplication during Nanoindentation. Acta Mater. vol. 61 pp. 1421-1431 (2012) DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.019
S.K. Lawrence, D.F. Bahr, and H.M. Zbib: Crystallographic Orientation and Indenter Radius Effects on the Onset of Plasticity During Nanoindentation. J Mater. Res. vol. 27 pp. 3058-3065 (2012) DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2012.368
T.W. Koenig, D.L. Olson, B. Mishra, J.C. King, J. Fletcher, L. Gerstenberger, S. Lawrence, A. Martin, C. Mejia, M.K. Meyer, R. Kennedy, L. Hu, G. Kohse, J. Terry: Advanced Non-Destructive Assessment Technology to Determine the Aging of Silicon Containing Materials for Generation IV Nuclear Reactors. Review of Progress in QNDE. vol. 30, pp. 1200-1207 (2010)
Conference Proceedings
S.K. Lawrence, B.P. Someday, G. Yee, D.k. Balch: Mixed-mode Fracture Toughness Testing of Hydrogen-charged 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn Stainless Steel and 2219 Aluminum. Proceedings of the International Hydrogen Conference (2016)
S.K. Lawrence, B.P. Somerday, N.R. Moody, and D.F. Bahr: Influence of Hydrogen on Mechanical Properties and Local Deformation of Nickel. NACE Corrosion 2014 Extended Abstracts, Research in Progress Symposium: Environmentally Assisted Cracking. (2014)
S.K. Lawrence, D.P. Adams, D.F. Bahr, and N.R. Moody: Mechanical and Electrochemical Behavior of Laser-Fabricated Oxides on Stainless Steel. NACE Corrosion 2013 Extended Abstracts, Research in Progress Symposium: Chemical, Structural, and Mechanical Effects on Surfaces. (2013)
S.K. Lawrence, D.D. Stauffer, D.P. Adams, W.W. Gerberich, D.F. Bahr and N.R. Moody: Deformation and Fracture of Oxides Fabricated on 304L Stainless Steel via Pulsed Laser Irradiation. Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, vol. 1424 pp. 73-78 (2012) DOI:10.1557/opl.2012.819
Other Publications
D.P. Adams, D. Saiz, N.R. Moody, V.C. Hodges, M. Hobbs, E. Jones, S. Lawrence, D.F. Bahr, R. Murphy, S.M. Yalisove, “Basic Research of Intrinsic, Tamper- indication Markings and Patterns Defined by Pulsed Laser Irradiationâ€Â, DTRA Year End Progress Report Award Number: IACRO 10-42571, SAND2011-6094P (2011)
S. Lawrence, "Forging a New Breed: Scientists as Moral Agents," Blackboard: exceptional writing samples, Nature and Human Values, Division of Liberal Arts and International Studies, The Colorado School of Mines, http://ccit.mines.edu//Blackboard/ProfessorLefton April 2010.
External Agencies:TMS Young Professionals Leadership Award, 2016
AVS Advanced Surface Engineering Division ICMCTF Graduate Student Awardee, 2014
Overall Best Poster Award-DOE NNSA SSGF Annual Program Review, 2013
NACE Foundation Book Scholarship, 2012
MTI - Bert Krisher Memorial Scholarship, 2010
NACE Foundation M.C. Miller Memorial Scholarship, 2010
NACE Foundation Sandia Mountain Section Scholarship, 2010
U.S. Navy and Marine Corp Scholarship, 2007-2010
Purdue University
PGSG Travel Grant Award, 2014
Washington State University
GPSA Travel Grant Award, 2012
GPSA Conference Registration Grant, 2012
Best Poster Presentation-Engineering and Physical Science, Wiley Research Exposition, 2012
Harold P. Curtis Scholarship, 2011-2012
Colorado School of Mines
Magna Cum Laude, 2010
Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, 2010
President's Scholarship