Krell Institute, Ames, Iowa

Welcome to the Krell Institute

The Krell Institute, a 501(c)(3) corporation, provides technical resources, knowledge and management experience to technology-based education and information programs. Since 1997, we have built a standing in the science community as a unique collaborator in developing, implementing and managing student fellowships, workforce training programs, technical meetings and science communication products.

Krell has collaborated with several federal agencies, particularly the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration, creating longstanding relationships and a reputation for excellence. Our partners have included the Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, the Educational Development Center and SRI International, as well as several universities. We have worked with multiple national laboratories, including Los Alamos, Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest and Sandia.

Krell will continue to leverage its experience and reputation in the science and education communities to develop new projects and partnerships and maintain existing programs. We seek opportunities to serve additional clients, helping them meet their goals in training, workforce development, meeting planning, science communication and other areas.