2009 DOE CSGF Annual Program Review Presentations

Monday, July 13 – Thursday, July 16
Washington Court Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Monday, July 13
HPC Session I
John Bell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory A Case Study in Computational Science: Premixed Turbulent Combustion
HPC Session II
William Gropp University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computer Architecture
HPC Session III
William Gropp University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Programming Models for Scientific Computing
HPC Session IV
David Keyes Columbia University and KAUST Algorithms and Scalability
HPC Session V
David Keyes Columbia University and KAUST Scalable Software Tools
HPC Session VI
John Bell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory High Performance Computing: An Applications Perspective
HPC Session VII
Barbara Helland Office of Science, DOE ASCR High Performance and Leadership Class Computing Resources
Blaise Barney Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory HPC Resources and Training Opportunities at the NNSA/ASC National Labs
Tuesday, July 14
Dr. Patricia Dehmer Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy Welcome
Tom D’Agostino National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy Welcome
J. Michael Davis Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Transparency and Knowledge: A Legacy Opportunity for the Nation’s Electric Infrastructure
Session I
Zlatan Aksamija University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Simulation of Nanoscale Electro-thermal Effects in Semiconductor Devices
Julianne Chung Emory University Large-Scale Ill-Posed Inverse Problems in Imaging Applications
Jordan Atlas Cornell University Towards a Genomically Detailed Minimal Cell Model
Peter Norgaard Princeton University Direct Numerical Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Thruster Plasmas
2009 Howes Scholar Award
David Brown Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Introduction
David Potere Boston Consulting Group The View from On-Orbit: New Challenges and Opportunities in Earth Observation and Satellite Remote Sensing
Session II
Kevin Kohlstedt Northwestern University Chirality in Nature: Using Electrostatic Forces to Generate Chiral Symmetry
Christopher Schroeder University of California, San Diego Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, New Quarks, and Graphics Processors
David Markowitz Princeton University Noisy “Clocks” and Information Processing in the Brain
Poster Session
Brig. Gen. Garrett Harencak National Nuclear Security Administration, USDOE SSGF/CSGF Fellows Poster Session Opening Remarks
Wednesday, July 15
Session III
David Rogers University of Cincinnati Analyzing Simulation Data Using Bayesian Theorem
Matt McGrath Peace Corps First-principles Monte Carlo Simulations of Hydrogen-bonding Fluids
David Ketcheson University of Washington Stability and Stegotons: Understanding Waves through Computation
Randy Black Office of Research Development at the University of California, Irvine Writing Tips and Traps: How to Compete for a Reader's Time (and Grant Money)
Anna Palmisano Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy Opening Remarks, Fellows Poster Session
Thursday, July 16
Session IV
Oaz Nir Massachusetts Institute of Technology Genetic Tuning of Single-Cell Morphological Variability
Miler Lee University of Pennsylvania Modular Organization and Composability of RNA
Christopher Carey University of Wisconsin Rotational Stabilization of Astrophysical Jets
Joshua Adelman University of California, Berkeley The Mechanical Properties of the Sliding DNA Clamp PCNA
Ethan Coon Columbia University Breaking Ground in Earthquake Simulation: Extended Finite Element Methods for Repeated Earthquake Rupture
Jeremy Lewi Georgia Institute of Technology Sequential Optimal Design of Neurophysiology Experiments